Thiel College political science major studying and interning for semester in Washington D.C.

Posted February 18, 2021Communications and Marketing Department

GREENVILLE, Pa.—Thiel College senior Tyla Belton ’21 is spending the semester in Washington D.C. as part of the College’s internship and exchange program.

Belton is studying and interning in the nation’s capital as part of the Lutheran Colleges Washington Semester program. The political science major, legal studies, and women and gender studies minor from Altoona, Pa. is taking classes through the exchange and interning at the nation’s largest anti-sexual violence organization. The 2017 graduate of Altoona Area High School is interning with the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network. RAINN created and operates the National Sexual Assault Hotline in partnership with more than 1,000 local sexual assault service providers across the country and operates the DoD Safe Helpline for the Department of Defense. RAINN also carries out programs to prevent sexual violence, help survivors, and ensure that perpetrators are brought to justice.

“I am so grateful for this opportunity Thiel has granted me, as a Political Science major with minors in legal studies and women and gender studies this internship with RAINN is right up my alley, and I feel as though I am prepared to take it on,” Belton said. “I have always wanted to live in D.C. and now I finally have the chance. This program has always been a dream of mine since I was a freshman, and as I enter my final semester of undergrad, I couldn't think of a better way to spend it.”

Thiel College’s director of the program is Marie Courtemanche, Ph.D. She is also a Professor of Political Science and Department Chair.

“I am so happy that Tyla is taking advantage of the LCWS program. It's something that all students who meet the criteria can participate in, not just political science majors. The focus of the program is a full-time internship in the Washington D.C. area,” Thiel College Professor of Political Science and Department Chair Marie Courtemanche, Ph.D., said. “It’s a wonderful way to get experience in the workforce while building skills and social networks. Past students who have participated have had nothing but great things to say about the program. I believe Tyla will be the same as she is taking full advantage of all the opportunities presented to her.”

Thiel’s Semester in Washington is an internship and seminar program in Washington, D.C., for juniors and seniors. It is conducted through the Lutheran College Washington Consortium and is designed to accommodate the interests of students with a wide variety of interests and goals. These include not only politics, policy and law, but also religion, social work, international affairs, theater, museum administration and business.

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About Thiel College

Thiel College is an independent college founded in the Lutheran tradition. Located in Greenville, Pa., the College offers 60 majors and minors, 24 varsity sports, and an 11:1 student-faculty ratio. The College is also home to a new Master of Science in speech-language pathology and 2Master of Business Administration. Both master’s degree programs offer innovative and accelerated five-year paths which allow students to earn a bachelor’s and master’s degree in five years. The speech-language pathology program also has an accelerated 15-month graduate-level program. The M.B.A. program also has a 12-month post-graduate program.A dedicated faculty paired with dynamic research and internship opportunities produce numerous graduate school and job placements. Coeducational from its beginnings, the College remains committed to combining tradition with innovation as it celebrates 150 years.

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Greenville, PA 16125